Solar Eclipse in Cancer

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On Sunday at 12:41 am CDT there will be a Solar Eclipse in Cancer. This is a very special solar eclipse because the Moon is in her own sign and in the earliest degree of Cancer. This implies that we want to start new somewhere and this eclipse may help us become aware of what that is. Often during an eclipse an external event triggers some sort of internal realization. We may have insights into who we empathize with and why, or maybe we are starting to shift perspectives and change who we have empathy for. The Moon will have recently squared off with Mars the day before this eclipse so we may end up deciding that instead of going back and ending something it’s best if we just move on. In the midst of this five planets are retrograde and it’s likely that we are overwhelmed by all the changes in our life we feel we need to make. It’s normal if you feel frustrated right now, but I think it’s important we sit with our feelings for a while and try to sort them out.

If you know in your chart what house has Cancer on the cusp, pay special attention to those areas of your life. Also, if you have any personal planets or points in early degrees of Cancer this eclipse could be especially impactful. Avoid starting anything new this weekend, wait until next week. I hope the eclipse treats you well!