Mercury Retrograde in Cancer

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Today, June 17th, Mercury ended its direct motion and turned retrograde. Mercury is still in Cancer and will remain there until the retrograde is over on July 19th. For the next few weeks we will be reviewing our feelings and re-evaluating what really nurtures us. Cancer is a sign ruled by the Moon, and remember, the Moon changes sign every 2-3 days, which is partly why Cancer is a more sensitive, and at times, moody sign. A lot of different feelings will rise up during this retrograde and it is up to us to sort through them.

It is important to remember that the core of our foundation needs to be ourselves. Sometimes I remind clients about airplane oxygen masks, and how you have to put the mask on yourself first so you can actually help others. You’re not doing anyone any good if you are depleted. During this retrograde be sensitive to your own needs. Remember to be independent and not rely solely on others for comfort or security.

The past, and especially our origins, will be something we should spend time reflecting on. Things from the past often present themselves during a retrograde, but since this retrograde is ruled by the Moon, there will be an even greater emphasis as the Moon is what rules our memories. The beginnings of how we think about things and how we approach our feelings may be re-examined. Some of us are realizing that our traditions and foundations are being exposed for what they really are. And many of us may decide that we have outgrown the ideas we were raised with, and hopefully by the end of this retrograde, decide that we need to grow up and use our sensitivity in more powerful ways. This may mean re-evaluating relationships within our families.

As always, avoid signing contracts and buying expensive electronic items. Expect glitches, especially when it comes to communications and technology, but most importantly, spend this time reviewing and re-evaluating what really nurtures you.