Lunar Eclipse & Full Moon in Capricorn

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On Saturday, July 4th at 11:44 pm there will be a Full Moon and Lunar Eclipse in Capricorn. The Sun and Moon oppose each other during a Full Moon and highlight the dichotomy of the sign axis on which they take place, in this case, Cancer/Capricorn. Also, the Sun will in the Moon’s sign, and the Moon will be in detriment due to being in Capricorn so this eclipse may show us where we are not being protected. The Moon doesn’t feel cared for in Capricorn as it is a sign more concerned with rigidity and structure. And because the Moon is in a sign ruled by Saturn, we also may be preoccupied with responsibilities or burdens. So while it may be tempting to suppress our emotions right now, we should instead see them as important information.

The other half of this eclipse is the Sun in Cancer which is a sign that focuses on comfort and security. Since the Moon will be opposing the Sun perhaps we need to break away from what was previously nurturing or comforting us. We may have to leave the constraints of the past, and stop staying in a place simply because it is comfortable. I know everything is kind of overwhelming at the moment, but please push yourself to grow even if it’s difficult.

The asteroid Vesta will also be in the same degree as the Sun. Vesta is primarily associated with the home and motherhood, but more importantly, represents the full integration of the self. Those of us with a fragmented sense of ourselves may have an especially difficult time during this eclipse. Try to focus on what makes you unique, and how you can be more self-reliant.

This Full Moon, Lunar Eclipse will highlight the Cancer/Capricorn areas of your chart so look there to see which areas of your life will be particularly affected. Mercury is still retrograde so continue to hold off on any big decisions or changes. Take note of any realizations or lessons learned this weekend and keep them in mind for later. Mercury will be out of its storm (be completely clear of its retrograde) July 19th so keep that time frame in mind. This is an eventful time, please take care of yourselves!