Mars Enters Aries

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On Saturday, June 27th Mars will enter Aries at 8:45 pm CDT. This movement into Aries is a big deal because Mars will be in its home sign, and will stay in Aries for the REST OF THE YEAR due to an upcoming retrograde. We are ready to start taking initiative again as Mars in Aries is all about action. It will start to become more difficult for us to sit back and do nothing. I caution us to not go too fast, too soon though. Mars in Aries can push us to seek out conflict where there is none if we are not careful. Plan your moves as deliberately and precisely as possible.

Right before Mars moves into Aries it will square the lunar nodes. The nodes lead us to the future, away from the past, and show us where we can get the most purpose out of life. Many of us are at a crossroads and we can choose to stay on the path we’re on, or embrace the future. The actions we take now will affect our life’s direction.

On July 14th Mars will join Chiron in Aries. In the days leading up to this, pay attention to where your fears may be holding you back. It may be time to re-examine your own role in your life because some of us are doing too much or trying too hard and it is becoming unhealthy. This transit may also make us a little overly defensive, so avoid lashing back and hurting others.

Mars will also square Jupiter, Saturn, and Pluto during its time in Aries. This indicates that larger, even global events may overshadow any actions we are trying to take. We should pick our battles, and avoid falling into self-centeredness when larger matters may need our attention.

Mars will stay in Aries for six months instead of the usual six weeks due to its retrograde from September 9th to November 13th. There is a possibility that what we do now may come back to haunt us when Mars turns retrograde, or that by the time we get to September we will be suffering from burn out. We need to preserve our energy and should only act deliberately.

It is going to be an eventful summer! Please use this Mars Aries energy to step up and defend what is right, while avoiding being careless. I hope we use this time to our benefit.