Sun Enters Virgo

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On Saturday, August 22nd, the Sun leaves Leo and enters Virgo. Virgo is an earth sign, ruled by Mercury, so we are better equipped for the next few weeks to be more analytical and observant. Life becomes a largely mental exercise while the Sun is here. While that can help us be much more productive, it can lead us to become rather particular, to where we want things exactly the way we want them.

This is a great time to feel motivated, and while we should take advantage of that, we need to watch out for perfectionism. Being perfect isn’t going to get you anywhere – it’s just going to sap you of your energy and make you feel inadequate. Remember, the point of life isn’t to be perfect, but to be good, and there is a big difference between those two things. Put those mental abilities to better use than seeking something that isn’t achievable. We should instead focus on precision. Do things with a clear intention and purpose. If we go this route I think we will be much more content.

We also need to make sure we’re not so in our heads that we forget to feel our feelings, or be present. There is a tendency for us to lose perspective while the Sun is here because when we are so mentally involved we can lose touch with the outside world. Stay grounded and remember that other people may experience the world differently. Also, Virgo energy is largely mental, but mental work can also feel physically draining. Make sure you take time to relax and recuperate.

Just as with Mercury, the Sun will make pleasant connections with Jupiter, Saturn, and Pluto in Capricorn. Focus on practical solutions and decisions, and avoid making any sudden changes. Concentrate instead on perfecting what you already established. There is also a possibility that we may feel unappreciated while the Sun is here, which may lead us to work harder to gain some recognition, and this can create an unhealthy cycle. Please don’t overwork and overachieve to the point where you’ve lost sight of what is important.

Spend the next few weeks tackling those projects that require attention to detail, and being helpful to others. Use this extra motivation to your advantage.