Full Moon in Pisces

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Late night on Tuesday, September 1, there will be a Full Moon in Pisces at exactly 12:22 am CDT. Full Moons always highlight two opposing signs because the Sun and Moon are opposite of each other, and this Full Moon will highlight the Virgo, Pisces axis. Use this time as an opportunity to take a mental break, and feel things more instinctively.

Both the Sun and the Moon are aspected by Uranus during this Full Moon. We may have sudden wisdom into matters that have been bugging us so pay attention to any insights you have, and consider writing them down so you don’t forget them. And since Uranus is still retrograde, these insights or realizations may be related to our past. The important thing to remember is to learn from the past, integrate those lessons into our current situation, and move forward. If we do these things, we should be better set up for a more solid and secure future. Also, push yourself to get out of your routine for the next couple of days, it will increase the chance that things will start to click together.

We may also feel a lot of overwhelming or sudden emotions because this Moon is in a water sign. Be prepared to be extra sensitive, protect your energy, and possibly avoid people who upset you. We should also keep in mind other people besides us will be extra sensitive and emotional as well, so be kind when dealing with others.

Full Moons are a time to pause and consider our growth and evolution. Life is so intense right now, but think about all the ways you have progressed and developed. Take a moment to appreciate how far you’ve come! And if you feel overwhelmed, or like you haven’t grown in the ways you want, that’s okay! Release all that self-criticism, and prepare to try again.