Mercury Enters Virgo

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Today, August 19th, Mercury leaves dramatic, expressive Leo and enters Virgo. Mentally we will shift our thoughts and ideas to more practical matters. We will also be more focused and analytical as well. Mercury in Virgo likes factual information, and also likes to organize that information in a useful way. This is going to be a much more productive few weeks for us mentally.

Mercury connects with Uranus in Taurus on August 25th so feel comfortable taking a different approach to mental matters. Although we should still focus on keeping things grounded and practical, that doesn’t mean we can’t be innovative in our approach. Push yourself to think outside the box if you feel stuck.

Mercury will also make pleasant connections with Jupiter, Saturn, and Pluto in Capricorn at the end of August/beginning of September. This should help us handle the heavy mental load a lot of us are dealing with. We should be able to focus more on practical solutions and what we would like to achieve. This will also help with constructive projects, and communicating in a more literal, straight to the point, way. We just need to be careful to not lose our sense of humor or fun while these connections play out.

We should also avoid getting too analytical which can be the downfall of Mercury in Virgo. Don’t spend too much time in your head over-analyzing to the point where you can no longer even make sense of things. Mercury is very strong in Virgo, but that can also lead us to a kind of mental destruction. We can become too critical of ourselves or others, and can become obsessed with a certain kind of perfection. Remember to consider other people’s feelings when communicating, and don’t be overly hard on yourself.

Reading is a great thing to focus your energy on while Mercury is here. There is a lot of overwhelming information out there right now so try educating yourself when you feel out of control. Informing ourselves can provide at least some mental security. Also, be open to taking in new information. Mentally we are much more capable and flexible while Mercury is here so take advantage of it.