Venus Enters Cancer

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Venus finally leaves Gemini today and enters Cancer at exactly 10:21 am CDT. Venus going from an air sign to a water sign will be quite a change, we’ll be less tempted to be social and instead want to retreat somewhere we feel safe. Venus will make some difficult aspects to both malefics, Mars and Saturn so be ready to face some challenges. Focus on nurturing your environment, improving your living space, and being protective of loved ones.

The first complication comes towards the end of August when Venus opposes Jupiter, Pluto, and then Saturn in Capricorn. This may cause relationships to feel pressured and less enjoyable. We may feel limited or overburdened by our sense of duty or our responsibilities. There may also be a heightened sense of loneliness, whether one is in a relationship or not. Understand this transit is temporary and anything that lasts through this comes out stronger. It may be best to focus on cherishing your private space and time at home.

The second complication occurs at the beginning of September when Venus squares Mars in Aries. Be prepared for people to be more reactive in relationships. Picking fights, especially when egos are involved are more likely so avoid that. This is also a less than ideal time to start a new relationship as it may be based mostly on physical attraction and may not have the power to last. On the positive side, this aspect may help us in our sexual relationships or be more sexually expressive.

Normally when Venus is in a cardinal sign it’s good for initiating relationships, but with the unpleasant aspects Venus is making it may be best to avoid it for a while. Instead, focus on new initiatives around money or your possessions. Start a new saving account, or begin researching investment opportunities as a way of protecting yourself in the future. Finally, Venus does make some pleasant connections to Uranus in Taurus. Perhaps trying new things, or doing things in a new way is our best bet. If something isn’t working, try a different approach, it may really help. Hang in there, concentrate on the right things, and be kind to yourself and others.