Venus Enters Sagittarius

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Venus enters Sagittarius on Thursday, October 7th at 6:21 am CDT and stays here until November 5th. We leave the mystery of Scorpio behind us and aim our direction towards what we desire. There is also finally a planet in a fire sign! We now feel more comfortable moving forward and making progress regarding our relationships and finances. 

As a sign, Sagittarius likes to find a target, aim, and strike. Although we may finally have a target in mind, Mercury is retrograde and many of the other planets are moving slowly, so don’t shoot your shot too soon. Also, communication issues are still likely, so be as clear a possible about what and who you want.

On October 13th, Venus connects with Saturn allowing us to solidify a relationship. This is also an excellent time to work on a group project or towards a common goal.

A few days later, on the 16th, Venus connects pleasantly with the asteroid Chiron helping us summon the generosity to heal a wounded relationship. If you were the harmful person, this is a good time to apologize or make amends.

October 16th sees Venus squaring off with Neptune. Idealism might be creeping into our relationships, or we might be pushed to be more realistic about our finances. Reality checks are always hard, don’t let it set you back too far.

Finally, on October 28th, Venus connects with Jupiter, helping us once again be more optimistic about our romantic situations. This is a beautiful moment to be extra generous to those you love.

Venus will also connect with the lunar south node and widely sextile Mercury while in Sagittarius. This indicates that we may be thinking a lot about old patterns in relationships this month. Consider what yours are and what you can do to break them.

We are finally starting to see how we can progress our relationships, but let us remember that Saturn in Aquarius will be the most dignified planet during Venus in Sagittarius. We are much more likely to get what we want if we act responsibly, be steady, and keep the bigger picture in mind.