New Moon in Libra

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This is quite a different New Moon than usual. Usually, I would say that this is a quiet time where we should reflect on what we would like to begin or shift our attention to, but Mars joins this New Moon, and all three planets are ruled by Venus in Scorpio, so the energy may be anything but calm. For this New Moon in Libra, we must focus on being intentional in our relationships and how we communicate. It will benefit us more if we concentrate on being more consistent and reliable than scattered or unpredictable.

Although it may be difficult not to undertake something rash, try to avoid being impulsive. Mercury is retrograde, and Pluto is stationing direct, meaning that some more profound, more significant realizations are in the works for us, so hold steady and stay on track.

We are starting to see which situations can not progress beyond the surface level and which can. We are changing our values when it comes to our interactions with others. We realize that we are willing to compromise for the right people and that we are no longer willing to compromise in situations where we feel taken advantage of. 

ARIES RISING: Consider how you treat others in your relationships. Your values towards others are changing; see where they lead.

TAURUS RISING: You need to respect your health and how you take care of yourself each day. Create more harmony in your daily routine.

GEMINI RISING: Be more intentional in how you express your passions. Prioritize who and what makes you excited.

CANCER RISING: Bring more tranquility into your home. Focus on valuing family members that bring you peace or comfort.

LEO RISING: Reflect on your communication style and whether it comes across as pleasant. In your community space, be a source of reason or objectivity.

VIRGO RISING: Balance how you handle your money or possessions. Consider who supports what you value.

LIBRA RISING: Reflect on how others see your personality. Demonstrate your charm and ability to work well with other people.

SCORPIO RISING: Spend more time with yourself alone and examine who may be working against you, including yourself.

SAGITTARIUS RISING: Scrutinize which friendships or alliances work for you and let go of those who no longer serve you.

CAPRICORN RISING: Consider what partnerships in your career hold you back; let go of relationships that aren’t moving you towards what you’re trying to achieve.

AQUARIUS RISING: Synthesize your way of seeing the world into something that leaves you with more peace; avoid contradictory beliefs.

PISCES RISING: Examine why you deeply fear letting others perceive you; balance relying on yourself and allowing yourself to rely on others.