Sun Enters Scorpio

The Sun enters Scorpio at exactly 11:51 pm CDT on Friday, October 22nd, and will stay here until November 21st. Scorpio is a water sign, so emotions fuel our expressions and decisions for the next four weeks. We should take this time to embrace our feelings and learn that only when we are aware of our own fears and suffering can we understand our motivations.

This is time to draw inward and discover what is inside of us. We are complex, intricate beings, and just like any other complicated machinery, our inner workings need to be cleaned and maintained. And that often means dealing with the dirty, unpleasant stuff we usually try to avoid. But if we don’t deal with that stuff, how can we ever be aware of ourselves and what makes us tick? 

The Sun has a complicated journey through Scorpio. First, it squares off with Saturn on October 30th, creating some blockages or setbacks we must deal with. We won’t get what we want if we take the easy route, so make sure you put your effort towards what matters to you. 

Then on November 4th, the Sun opposes Uranus. Around this time, our insecurities may tempt us to retreat inward when we should be facing them head-on. Be aware that the situation may provide surprising insight into how we interact with the world.

The Sun connects with Neptune on November 12th, encouraging us to express our emotions and be more sensitive in our decisions. This is also an excellent tome to mediate or be aware of our intuition. 

On November 15th, the Sun squares off with Jupiter. Although it may be tempting to push our point of view forward, we should use what we’ve learned about ourselves and help others if we want to be most successful. Also, remember to be flexible in your approach. 

Finally, on November 16th, the Sun connects with Pluto giving us an opportunity to put what we’ve learned all season to use in a powerful way.

As a sign, Scorpio has a way of building up pressure inside us that can cause a lot of intensity. But pressure also hardens and strengthens what is under it and helps give it form. Ultimately that is what allows us to see ourselves more clearly and defined. So don’t be afraid of the emotion building inside of you; embrace it.