Sun Enters Sagittarius

On Sunday, November 21st, the Sun will enter Sagittarius at exactly 8:34 pm CST and stay here until December 21st. We finally get a planet in a fire sign helping us all move forward in a positive direction. Let us put insight behind our actions and get enthusiastic about attracting what we want more of in our lives. 

Even though many of us expected this year to be rough, it still was a lot. With the Sun now in Sagittarius, it is time for us to understand that we didn’t go through all that just to learn nothing. You have more knowledge and awareness than you are currently giving yourself credit for, so start being more confident in your decisions.

The Sun has a relatively easy journey while in Sagittarius. First, it will join Mercury on November 28th. This may be an excellent time to refresh your outlook and have a philosophical discussion or conversation about the future.

The Sun will connect to Chiron and Saturn during the 29th and 30th of November. These will be good days to work on being more open-hearted and sincere. Also, we should take this opportunity to prove our commitment to a decision.

On December 3rd, we will experience a Solar Eclipse, which will help open up more optimistic and confident perspectives. This also may be a time many of us will experience new insights or an important aha moment.

The Sun squares off with Neptune on December 11th. It may be best to put off any tasks that require concentration and let ourselves wander off the path for a bit. Sometimes we discover something important when we take an unusual route. 

Finally, on December 19th, the Sun connects with Jupiter giving us a chance to make a big move towards something we are enthusiastic about. This is an important moment, so create an opening for yourself if you have to. 

Use the next four weeks to be clear about the direction you want to go in and create your own path forward. Sometimes what we want out of life isn’t going to just fall into our laps, so stop holding back and get on with it.