Mercury Enters Sagittarius

Mercury leaves Scorpio, enters Sagittarius on Wednesday, November 24th at precisely 9:36 am, and will stay here until December 13th. While Mercury was in Scorpio, we used more subtle forms of communication, letting our thoughts flow to deeper areas of our psyche. Now that Mercury is in Sagittarius, we should try to use our words more and communicate in a way that provides clarity, not confusion. 

Mercury is precarious in Sagittarius because it is good at mental flexibility and quick thinking, but it can get scattered or unfocused if not utilized correctly. It will be helpful if we have a clear idea in mind for the next three weeks but give ourselves room to make adjustments when needed. Some practical ways of doing that may be trying different approaches, pivoting when something isn’t producing results, or pushing yourself to communicate in ways you usually wouldn’t.

Mercury has a relatively pleasant time in Sagittarius. First, on the 28th, it joins the Sun. This will be an ideal time to refresh your outlook on life to include more optimism. We also may begin to adjust how we see things around this time.

Then the next day, the 29th, Mercury connects pleasantly to Chiron and Saturn. Push yourself to have a necessary emotional conversation or use this as an opportunity to relay some sensitive information. This is also a great time to show that you are open to some sort of commitment. 

Mercury will square off with Neptune on December 6th; thoughts may be jumbled, so avoid anything that requires concentration or focus. Just let your mind wander and notice where it takes you.

Finally, on December 11th Mercury connects with Jupiter. This is an excellent day for conversations, especially if they involve big plans or ideas. This is also the day to say something you’ve been wanting or waiting to say.

Take the next three weeks to be more outspoken, especially when doing so would help others, and remember that you know a lot of words - so use them!