Lunar Eclipse and Full Moon in Taurus

There is a lunar eclipse in Taurus on Friday, November 19th, at exactly 2:57 am CST. This eclipse is notable because it will be the longest in a century - lasting over 3 hours (most last less than two hours) and will be visible for a large percentage of the population.

Since the lunar eclipse is in Taurus, there is a greater chance for environmental emergencies to arise or significantly worsen, as well as issues relating to soil, cooking, and the stock market. Be careful with any endeavors in these areas.

I am not convinced this eclipse will be impactful for a lot of us. The Sun and Moon have finished all their planetary connections by the time of the eclipse. Immediately following the eclipse, the Moon is void, and the Sun also makes no more major connections until it enters Sagittarius on Sunday. To me, this indicates that much of our anxiety and strife will start to feel like it’s behind us by the time we get to Friday.

Taurus Moons tend to help remind us how comforting grounding or stabilizing forces can be in our lives. Pay close attention during this eclipse to what helps you feel not only secure but secure in a long-lasting way. Start and continue to direct your energy towards that. You can look to what house in your chart has Taurus on the cusp for more specific ideas.

In many ways, this Lunar Eclipse wasn’t much different than the New Moon in Scorpio a couple of weeks ago. Except for this time, we get Jupiter in Aquarius involved instead of Saturn showing us that we need to stop holding back now, step up, and do what needs to be done. 

If you know what house in your chart has Aquarius on the cusp, pay special attention to that area of your life. You are being called to be more serious or responsible about the topics ruled by that house. And this is not a situation where we can try for a couple of days or do it half-heartedly; we need to truly take it seriously and put a lot more effort behind it.

Enjoy your horoscopes, and I hope the Full Moon/Lunar Eclipse treats everyone well!

ARIES RISING: Money or ownership issues may become intense, especially if a partner is involved. Don’t fear these difficulties. You have the strength to face them. 

TAURUS RISING: You may be forced to see how others perceive you. Use this as an opportunity to be more insightful in your close relationships.

GEMINI RISING: A health issue or isolation may leave you feeling unraveled. Take better care of yourself and adapt your daily schedule to reflect your new insights.

CANCER RISING: Difficulties with a friendship or a hope you held on to may no longer be avoidable. Make adjustments to allow more joy and love in your life.

LEO RISING: A distressing situation regarding your career may become further inflamed. Draw from your foundation for strength, and let your family support you more. 

VIRGO RISING: You may be questioning your worldview or be facing difficulties regarding your education. Communicating your issues will help resolve things or make them more straightforward.

LIBRA RISING: Your deepest fears are holding you back. You have more security than you are giving yourself credit for.

SCORPIO RISING: Issues in a close relationship are making you uncomfortable. Put that focus back on yourself. 

SAGITTARIUS RISING: Problems at work or with your health are causing you irritation. Deep reflection about what you really want out of life will give your clarity. 

CAPRICORN RISING: You may be having trouble finding joy or love. Consider using your friends or community to find that spark again.

AQUARIUS RISING: Frustrations with family or at home are causing you difficulties. Focus more on your goals and what you can have influence over.

PISCES RISING: You are feeling insecure in your ability to communicate how you want to. Take a step back and remember to rely on your deeper sense of life’s priorities.