Venus Enters Aquarius

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On Monday, February 1st, Venus leaves Capricorn and enters Aquarius. This will also bring the total number of planets in Aquarius up to five! We will continue to be more progressive and revolutionary, leaving outdated ways of relating to the world behind us. Hold others to higher standards if necessary, and choose to love independent of what others think. Consider donating to causes you especially feel close to or taking part in mutual aid pools while Venus is here.

Venus will at points join Saturn, Jupiter, and a retrograde Mercury. This will be a period of expanding, contracting, and rethinking our relationships. Some relationships will be strengthened during the period; some will dissolve or become too burdensome. Squares from Mars and Uranus will further exacerbate this situation. Disagreements, arguments may hint that adjustments are needed, and the people involved may not be who’d we expect. Consider this a weeding out process that needed to happen. 

Venus will still be in a Saturn ruled sign, so for all the progressive ways we are starting to relate to people, there are still some harsh realities to face. Venus in Aquarius demands respect and fairness. It has high standards and wants relationships that reflect the good in the world. And as a fixed sign, it wants consistent and unwavering love. Honor boundaries, yours and others, and give people space to figure out what they want. 

With so much intense Aquarian energy, we can see that society is changing; how do your relationships reflect that? Consider changing or removing outdated relationship dynamics. This is a time to reflect on which relationships are pushing us forward and which are holding us back. As we grow and evolve towards a better version of ourselves, our relationships should grow and evolve as well.