Sun Enters Pisces

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On Thursday, February 18th, the Sun will enter Pisces at 4:44 am CST. This is the first planet to leave the current planetary pile up in Aquarius, and it should be a pleasant shift towards accepting our emotions and adapting more easily to what life throws at us. 

In the next few weeks, we will investigate and play around with our limits, especially emotionally. Pisces planetary ruler Jupiter is still in Aquarius, so as much as we want to grow unimpeded, maybe some constraints are good for us. We will sense that we fundamentally need some emotional boundaries in our lives. And that it is unhealthy and unfeasible to be endlessly compassionate and giving. We can decide and choose who we offer ourselves to and how much we provide. 

We also finally have some mutable energy in the mix! This should help us be more adaptable and easygoing. It won't be a drastic change, but we can expect less stubbornness from ourselves and others. Push yourself to go with the flow more, be less stringent. We’ve been dealing with intense Saturn energy since 2017 when it entered Capricorn, and it has gotten more and more difficult for us to loosen up. Ease up on what you’re trying to control; it’s draining you.

The Sun will join Neptune in Pisces on March 10th. Around this date, give yourself time and space to dissolve. Break down the barriers and walls inside yourself; discover who you are when you stop fractionating and compartmentalizing yourself. For some of us, that may mean crying for two days straight; for others, an intense journaling session. Whatever it takes (within reason, keep it healthy) to get you to melt into a puddle, do it. You are more than a component of parts, and that deserves to be honored and recognized.