Venus Enters Pisces

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On February 25th at 7:11 am CST, Venus will leave Aquarius and enter Pisces. Venus will stay here until March 21st. Venus enjoys their time in Pisces as it is a sign where we consider it “exalted,” meaning Venus is treated like an honored guest. Since Pisces is a Jupiter ruled sign and its ruler is currently in Aquarius, this will be a less dreamy version of Venus in Pisces, but we still have that sense of being concerned with the greater good. 

Venus in Pisces wants us to have ideals in relationships which is helpful, for it is good to know what we desire. The problem can be when we try to make someone fit into our ideal. We need to see our ideals clearly, but that also requires us to see others clearly. We are told that high standards for romantic partners is something we should avoid. But maybe we’ve been told that too often, and it’s time for an adjustment. Dream bigger when it comes to love, but do not put yourself or other people into a box that doesn’t fit.

Pay close attention to relationship and money matters around Saturday, March 13th, when there is a New Moon in Pisces and Venus joins Neptune. After this New Moon, it may be a good time for starting a new creative venture, spiritual practice, or anything imaginative. Venus will also sextile Uranus and Pluto in March. As these are all what I refer to as “receptive signs,” be more reflective about what is coming into your life, and consider what you are open to and what you aren’t. 

We should also use this time to consider what romance is and means to us. Romance is the mystery and excitement associated with love. Some of us prefer the excitement; others, the mystery. Either way, it provides an escape from everyday life. And isn’t that really what we all need after dealing with a now year-long pandemic. The snag is that a lot of us are super depleted and/or depressed right now. It’s been a long, challenging year. But let us consider that romance is more than loving feelings between humans. We can have romantic feelings about castles, the Moon, a gorgeous cake, etc. Try to bring romance into your life in creative, inspiring ways that aren’t centered around traditional ideas.