Venus Enters Aries

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Venus leaves Pisces and enters Aries on Sunday, March 21st. Relationships will shift away from a desire to merge and connect with others emotionally to a more action-orientated form of expression. We should now focus more on initiating new relationships and behaving with our true intentions towards others in mind. 

Soon after Venus enters Aries, it will join the Sun on March 25th. During this time, the Sun’s heat is so intense as Venus passes through it that a purification process occurs. Consider this time a rebirth of our romantic imaginings. Focus on clearing up some of the jadedness around relationships that has come into your life over the past year. Start to see others as an exciting possibility again. 

Venus will connect with Saturn, Mars, and Jupiter during the first half of April. This indicates that while we may still be physically distanced from people, we can always flirt or connect with others through conversations. Be consistent in keeping lines of communication flowing, and remember that if you like compliments, others probably want them too.

Pay attention to the days around April 11th when Venus squares off with Pluto. We may suddenly find ourselves hit with a roadblock or something else that indicates the path forward will not be so simple. We may feel like we’re not as independent as we’d like to be in a relationship or that the power dynamic is out of balance. It may be best to compromise a little, just not so far that we’re overly sacrificing our independence.

Finally, while Venus is in Aries, we should also remind ourselves that it is vital to have relationships that allow us to shine or seize the spotlight at times. It is unfair and unhealthy if we are always hiding behind someone else. Embrace praise and know that you are worthy of love.