Sun Enters Aries

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On Saturday, March 20th, the Sun will enter Aries at exactly 4:37 am CDT marking the spring equinox in the Northern Hemisphere and the fall equinox in the Southern Hemisphere. This also means we will finally have a planet in a fire sign! If you’ve been feeling especially unmotivated over the last few months, the Sun entering Aries will help us feel more energized, passionate, and ready to take the initiative.

Aries is known as one of the most courageous signs in the zodiac, mainly because it’s a fire sign ruled by Mars but also because it’s a cardinal sign meaning that it likes to initiate the action. And if we think about it, the most courageous part of courage is at the beginning; it’s the getting started that is usually the most challenging part. It's okay to be scared, but sometimes we just need to take that first step. Use this time to your advantage and consider starting matters you’ve been avoiding out of fear.

The Sun will sextile several planets in air signs while in Aries, which will help support us in conversations where we need to advocate for ourselves or push an effort forward. We should also take a more active role in participating in higher causes we care about and put forth our own ideas. Express your individuality this month while still maintaining your relationship with the larger group.

Finally, now that the equinox is here, and we have a planet in a fire sign, and it may be time to start rebuilding and rebalancing our confidence. Consider where over the last year you've lost faith in yourself and what areas of your life you feel insecure about. If you know what house has Aries on the cusp, look to that for clues. Pay attention to March 29th, when the Sun joins Chiron. It may bring up an issue we are feeling particularly insecure about. Prioritize yourself over the next four weeks and focus on regaining your vitality.