Sun Enters Gemini

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The Sun enters Gemini on Thursday, May 20th at 2:37 pm CDT. While the Sun was in Taurus, we focused more on establishing ourselves and securing tangible assets; now, we should direct our attention to making adjustments or modifications using our mental abilities and connecting with others. Notice what you learn when you are more engaged and curious about the world around you. Gemini is ruled by Mercury, which is also in Gemini right now about to station retrograde, so the next four weeks may have us rethinking some issues and exploring new ideas about moving forward.

The Sun will experience an eclipse in Gemini on June 10th. This will be an important moment in the Sun’s journey when we receive insights about a blind spot in our lives, perhaps where we didn’t have all the information or based some of our opinions on faulty reasoning. The Sun will square off with Neptune in Pisces during this eclipse, indicating that we may have become too immersed in abstract concepts or lost touch with reality a bit. This event will remind us to get back to facts and focus on verifiable information.

We should also use the Sun’s time in Gemini to explore our options. Maybe there is a situation in our lives that is frustrating us. Use the information at your disposal while also seeking out and exploring alternatives to see what else is out there. The Sun will connect with Saturn on June 3rd, indicating that we should look towards higher humanitarian issues for long-term guidance if nothing else. Aligning ourselves with the larger direction of the world will be the most advantageous course for us. 

Even though the last year has been incredibly draining, we can not afford to dig our heels in and become stagnant. Versatility and flexibility are our friends; we should not go through life with only one or two ways of dealing with things. Use ALL of your skills right now instead of relying on how you usually handle things. Learn from other people’s mistakes! Information is power; use it to your advantage.