Saturn Retrograde in Aquarius

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Saturn will station retrograde in Aquarius on May 23rd and continue this motion until October 10th, 2021. We should hold off starting any important long-term projects if possible until Saturn stations direct, as this is a time for reflection and review. If you know what house in your chart has Aquarius on the cusp, consider especially that area of your life. There may be matters that need some adjustments or rethinking. 

It may be that we simply need more discipline and concentration in that area. Saturn appreciates work and focus and shows us that some things can only come from putting in the effort. The beginning of this retrograde also coincides with a Mercury retrograde, indicating that we may start to question whether we are making good choices. These two retrogrades are in air signs, which signals that we should spend more time thinking thoughtfully, especially whether our decisions align with our goals. 

The following five months are a time for us to revaluate what is holding us back from success. Are you being observant? Level-headed? Open-minded? Human and thoughtful? These are the Aquarian ideals that we may need to be more aligned with. Because if we do not prioritize these qualities, we may face a backlash or consequences. We should also consider whether we are getting in our own way or sabotaging our own success. Are you creating the conditions for you to be successful? Make sure the path you are on is leading to the destination you desire.