Jupiter Enters Pisces

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Jupiter finally leaves Aquarius and enters Pisces on Thursday, May 13th at exactly 5:36 pm CDT and will stay here until July 28th. Jupiter’s time in Pisces will only be 11 weeks as it has a retrograde cycle coming up on June 20th that will push it back into Aquarius. Jupiter is much happier in Pisces, where its emotional optimism is welcomed, and its search for the deeper meanings behind matters is honored. We should also expect to see artistic and creative projects getting much more attention over the next couple of months as we reprioritize their role in our culture.

Emotions move to the forefront in our lives now since Pisces is a water sign. This is further intensified by Jupiter connecting with several planets in Cancer (another water sign) during its time in Pisces. The first half of summer may be filled with emotional connections that are deeply personal. We must remember that feelings are a type of information! They can guide us to a more productive and positive place if we use them correctly.

Escapism and peaceful activities will become much larger priorities for us, but with that also comes not seeing matters realistically. We can not become so lost in our daydreams that we start to block out unpleasant issues. Jupiter is only here for a short time before moving back into Aquarius. We will receive a harsh reality check in a few months showing us that the suffering of others also affects us. Focus on remaining compassionate.

The following 11 weeks are a preview into a more hopeful version of life. I want us to embrace this new positive energy while remembering that there is a lot of work that needs to be done if we're going to improve the world.  Saturn is still in Aquarius and will soon station retrograde; it’s going to get very serious about holding us accountable for our choices and priorities. Consider your intentions and make sure they are correct. It is not enough to be good or right; we must be good AND right.