Mercury Retrograde in Gemini

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On Saturday, May 29th, Mercury will station retrograde in Gemini. Mercury will continue that motion until June 22nd, but things won’t be back to normal until June 30th, when Mercury gains more speed. As usual, avoid significant or important decisions during this time. Also, choose carefully and make any decisions cautiously. 

Mercury doesn’t actually make many planetary connections during its retrograde, but the two it does make could be pretty impactful. First, Mercury squares off with Neptune on June 5th, indicating that we do not see a matter clearly. Around this time, we are being called to question whether we live in reality or just project our reality onto the world. We may be sacrificing some objectivity for comfortable lies. Make sure you are grounded and not running away from your problems.

Mercury is also heavily involved in the Solar Eclipse on June 10th. New information may come to light about a matter that affects us personally. This may lead us to see another side of things or finally have to face reality. Since this is during a New Moon, sit with this information for a while and mull it over. This eclipse will be especially impactful if you have any natal planets near 19° Gemini. 

We are being asked to reconsider how much clarity we have about an issue or problem in our lives. The saying hindsight is 20/20 must have been about Mercury retrograde because we often receive new information that forces us to rethink a situation. This will be especially true during this retrograde in Gemini, where the focus will be how we receive information, process, and disseminate it. With Saturn also retrograde, we must gather as many facts as possible and stay realistic. Consider your sources, examine your biases. Go back and find clarity.