Mercury Enters Gemini

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Mercury enters Gemini on Monday, May 3rd, at precisely 9:49 pm CDT. Mercury will finally be back in one of its home signs increasing Mercury’s power and ability to express itself. The end of May will also feature a Mercury retrograde that will last from May 29th until June 22nd, so get things in order now and prepare for a complicated June.

Our minds will be much more active now as we search for interesting ideas and new ways of keeping our brains stimulated. However, we must keep in mind that input influences output; what we put into our minds affects what comes out. Question whether you have considered how the information you consume or the subjects you are interested in influences how you communicate. If the way you speak or interact with others isn’t effective, consider whether it may be an input problem. 

Mercury in Gemini will inevitably bring up lots of questions and curiosities within us, so it will be important to remember that when in doubt, talk it out. Your friends are literally there to help you process and work through things. So if you’re having trouble understand something, or have questions, or need more information, consider reaching out to others for help. And if you don’t have many friends or don’t feel like burdening them, journal about it or talk out loud to yourself!

Mercury will square off with Neptune several times during its stay in Gemini. This reoccurring transit is there to remind us to take mental breaks, slow down, and chill out a little. Give your brain time to rest!

June 10th may be a significant time for many of us as Mercury joins the Sun during a solar eclipse in Gemini. Look to what house has Gemini on the cusp in your chart to see what areas of your life may be most affected; something impactful may take place. 

Remember to challenge yourself and refuse to become an intellectually stagnant person. Because when we actively engage with the world, we become more invested in it and its future.