Venus Enters Gemini

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Venus leaves Taurus and enters Gemini at exactly 9:01 pm CDT on Saturday, May 8th. Venus will stay in Gemini until June 2nd. It is time for us to focus on communicating what we desire and expect from others. We should also shift our focus to those in our lives with who we can have an easy conversation or share a joke as they will become more important to us. 

The next few weeks will help us understand that relationships NEED communication to thrive. We must express our thoughts and feelings because others can not read our minds, but we should also remember that communication must flow BOTH ways in a healthy relationship. Connections between people can not thrive if only one side does most of the reaching out and engaging. Consider which relationships have a healthy back and forth and which do not. And also, consider where you could step up and do more to help get that balance back.

Venus doesn’t make many planetary connections while in Gemini, but the ones it does make will reveal important information about our relationships or finances. First, on May 19th, Venus connects with Saturn, indicating that relationships with solid communication are the ones that will have longevity. Then on May 27th, Venus squares off with Neptune showing us where we may be disillusioned in a relationship or financial matter. Finally, on May 28th Venus will join Mercury right before Mercury stations retrograde in Gemini, causing us to rethink how we express ourselves in our relationships and may even have us reconsidering a relationship altogether.

Finally, please remember to be curious about others and ask questions. The simplest way to recalibrate a relationship is to ask the other person about their life or what is going on with them. Not everyone feels comfortable talking about themselves. If you feel like you’ve been a little self-involved, push yourself to be curious about others. We should all remember that if we want others to be interested in us, we must also be interested in other people.