Mars Enters Leo

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Mars officially enters Leo on Friday, June 11th at 8:34 am CDT. Mars will stay here for about two months until July 29th. We will start to shift our focus away from others and more towards ourselves. Start doing things that make you feel good! Put yourself out there more, and take some (calculated) risks! Embrace the part of you that is strong-willed and self-assured!

Over July, Mars will oppose both Saturn and Jupiter, two planets that will be retrograde when Mars meets them and joins Venus in the middle of the month. Towards the beginning of July, when Mars opposes Saturn, we may sense a palpable tension between the collective and the personal. We may feel overwhelmed by the world’s problems and retreat into selfishness where we feel more in control. Remember, the point of life is to be a good person, so find a way to compromise, where you can continue your humanitarian involvement while also taking care of yourself.

By the time we get to the end of July, Mars will join Jupiter, and we may finally be able to wrap our heads around how to do this, but unfortunately, that is just as Mars is about to enter Virgo! I’m afraid any lessons we are supposed to learn will soon get lost in Virgo’s pedantic nature. Please do not lose any of the growth you will acquire over July.

We will get a nice break from all of this during the middle of July when Venus joins Mars in Leo. The days around July 13th may be filled with dramatic love, confessions of feelings, and passion. This may be an ideal time to make a big move in a relationship or tell someone how you feel about them. This will also be an excellent opportunity to revamp your look or go shopping for yourself.

Finally, let us remember that everyone has an important role in a well-balanced ecosystem, do what you are good at, but don’t assume you can do everything by yourself. Over the next two months, do your part and take pride in it, but do not leave others behind. Master when to take the spotlight yourself and when to give it to others.