Solar Eclipse in Gemini

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On Thursday, June 10th, there will be a Solar Eclipse and New Moon in Gemini. This is the continuation of a matter that came to light two weeks ago, around the time of the Lunar Eclipse in Sagittarius. Gemini and Sagittarius are opposite each other in the zodiac, so there is a push and pull situation happening in our lives right now, and it is up to us to find a balance.

Mercury, which is currently moving retrograde, plays a significant role in this eclipse because it is only about a degree away from the Sun and Moon. This indicates that we need to seriously rethink a matter in our lives (if you know which house has Gemini on the cusp, that will tell you where the issue is) and recalibrate our expectations around it. There may be a conversation that needs revisiting for some of us, or you may need to get more information. Mercury retrograde often means that we don’t get information the direct way; consider an indirect approach instead.

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Also keep in mind that this is a New Moon, so it is not the culmination of the issue. The next couple of days are about us finally understanding that we need to begin again or try a new method. Spend the next week really reassessing how you can approach a problem. The eclipse is squaring off with Neptune, indicating that it is time for us to get our heads out of the clouds and instead rely on useful information and objectivity. This isn’t going to be easy for us to do; escapism will tempt us.

The last couple of weeks have been a difficult time. Mercury and Saturn stationed retrograde, there was a Lunar Eclipse, and Mars just opposed Pluto. I wouldn’t be surprised if many of us have several significant problems all happening at once. Breathe, remember to take care of yourself, and remind yourself that this won’t last forever.