Venus Enters Cancer

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Venus will leave Gemini and enter Cancer Wednesday, June 2nd at exactly 8:19 am CDT. Venus will stay in Cancer until June 26th, so we should spend the next three weeks focusing on nurturing what we care about and examining any insecurities that lead us to bond with undesirable people. Mercury will also be retrograde for most of Venus’ time in Cancer, so be careful if people from your past resurface; make sure you do not let them emotionally take advantage of you. Maintain those healthy boundaries while securing the relationships that build you up.

We may be more naive or trusting than usual, so we need to ask ourselves are we choosing friends/partners based on our own insecurities? Although we may understand intellectually that these relationships hold us back, they play into our negative ideas about ourselves so they can actually feel really comfortable for us. Let’s work on establishing relationships that don’t feed into our own destructive thoughts about ourselves.

During June, Venus connects with Jupiter and Uranus, indicating that we should be focused on staying soft and exude kind, warm energy. Make sure those in your life who you care about know it. Towards the end of June, Venus opposes Pluto; this may be a moment when we feel punished for our empathy and compassion. Maybe we gave it to the wrong people, or we get taken advantage of. The solution will not be to retreat but to dig deeper and truly work through this issue. Wisdom doesn’t always come from being cold or detached. 

We should also use this time to strengthen the bonds in our healthy relationships. Those connections need just as much love and care but can often get overlooked by more tumultuous situations we have going on. Remember to connect and care about those people, as they are the ones that allow us to be ourselves and support us as we grow. Do things you both enjoy, or try new things together. Be just as supportive and encouraging to them as they are to you.