Sun Enters Leo

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The Sun enters Leo on July 22nd at exactly 9:26 am CDT. We finally get to leave behind the emotional energy of Cancer and spend the next four weeks in the Sun’s home sign of Leo, where it is most comfortable. Our priorities may be torn in two different directions over the next month, though, as Leo opposes some strong Aquarian energy, and it’s going to be up to us to figure out how to balance it all. 

First, the Sun opposes the Moon in Aquarius right after it enters Leo on July 23rd. This will immediately cause tension, and we may feel like our issues are small compared to the state society is in. Please remember that it is still okay to take care of your needs; just work towards a balance. 

Second, on August 1st Mercury will join the Sun in Leo, and they will both oppose Saturn in Aquarius. Around this time, it may be difficult for us to assert ourselves when communicating, or we may feel like our expression of self is being repressed or rejected. Think carefully before speaking, but do not lose your confidence.

Finally, the Sun will oppose Jupiter in Aquarius towards the end of August on the 19th. This could be a real moment of feeling overlooked and reacting selfishly if we are not careful. I think we should instead concentrate on how we can use our unique talents to contribute in a meaningful way. Even if there is just one thing you are good at, figure out how you can use that skill to help or support an important cause.

The next four weeks are all about figuring out how to balance focusing on ourselves in the ways we need to and focusing on the greater good because the world will only become increasingly collective.  When we really know our priorities, needs, and desires, it’s much easier for us to stay true to them, which will be extremely important as global issues become more and more distracting. 

A healthy society can not be made up of a bunch of people who haven’t done any inner introspection. Because when one part of society is broken, the whole thing starts to crumble. And you are that one part, so make it count; we need you.