Mercury Enters Leo

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Mercury enters Leo on July 27th at precisely 8:12 pm CDT and will stay until August 11th. Fortunately, our thoughts and how we communicate should get less emotional, and we can finally put ourselves first more. However, we should be careful because this Leo season features a lot of opposing Aquarian energy. These signs are opposite each other on the zodiac, so we can think of this as a clash that will guide us to a more balanced mental place. 

It’s time for us to consider that it doesn’t have to be that serious (probably). It would do us good to lighten up and be more playful in our speech and communications. Tell more jokes! Laugh! Give yourself mental breaks from all the seriousness that is going on. Also, try to be more creative with how you think about or approach matters. You are likely to be captivating right now; take advantage of it!

Mercury makes several planetary connections during its time in Leo. Things get started on August 1st when Mercury joins the Sun, and they both oppose Saturn. Around this time, we may want to be outspoken about something but find our message isn’t being appreciated. It may be that we are just thinking about ourselves too much and need to find a more compelling way to reach out to the other side. 

Then on August 3rd, we may have a breakthrough and finally figure out how to plead our case more effectively when Mercury squares off with Uranus. This bold, new idea may not be easy to achieve, but we may end up with a successful solution if we are willing to compromise.

Finally, on August 10th, Mercury opposes Jupiter. We may find that around this time, we have a lot we want to express. We also may be filled with big plans or ideas. Remember, many of us will be feeling this way, so it will be important for us to remember that we need to give everyone a chance to express themselves. Also, don’t forget the details to make sure you didn’t miss anything in your enthusiasm. 

Enjoy and take advantage of the next three weeks! Remember to assert yourself when you communicate and make a lasting impression. Let us speak to each other in a way where everyone feels heard, and let us implement our passionate ideas in ways that benefit everyone.