Venus Enters Virgo

Venus enters Virgo at exactly 7:37 pm CDT on Wednesday, July 21st, and will stay here until August 15th. We should begin to find a balance between our minds and our hearts, even though it may not be an easy task. We often end up too in our heads, driving others away because we get too critical or analytical. I want us instead to learn how to use our minds to find practical ways of taking care of others in a way they’ll appreciate.

Very soon after Venus enters Virgo, it will oppose Jupiter in Pisces. The days around July 22nd may feel like we are suddenly being jerked in a different direction. Please make sure that your generosity doesn’t get taken advantage of and that you don’t get pulled into something you’re not comfortable with. There is also a strong possibility that we may bite off more than we can chew, so make sure you are reasonable with yourself about how much you can take on.

Venus is in “fall” in Virgo (meaning it is uncomfortable in this sign) because love doesn’t do well under an analytical microscope. But like with anything in astrology, it’s all in how we work with the energy. Because at some point, we have to analyze our relationships with an objective perspective. We can not enter or continue relationships oblivious to what is going on. So examine them, contemplate them. Just don’t go too far and hold people or relationships to an impossible standard.

By August 9th, this will be tested when Venus opposes Neptune. This opposition will try our ability to balance trusting our intuition and objectively analyzing the situation. Make sure you have all the information you need before making any decisions, but be prepared to wander off course a little bit getting there. 

Finally, let us remember that less dramatic expressions of love are just as valid. If we have to be loud or over the top to get someone’s attention, is that the best relationship for us? Venus in Virgo loves more quietly, through thoughtfulness and kindness, and we should appreciate that as much as anything else.