Venus Enters Scorpio

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Venus leaves Libra and enters Scorpio at 3:39 pm CDT on Friday, September 10th. This will be a significant shift for Venus as we begin to desire relationships with deeper connections, and it will pose some challenges. Bringing a relationship from surface level to something more complex can be a tricky path to navigate.

With Venus in a fixed sign, flexibility may be an issue, and we see that on September 16th when Venus squares off with Saturn. Problems in a relationship may show up around this time due to a lack of adaptability. Someone has to compromise, or this won’t go away quickly.

The pressure continues to mount until September 23rd when Venus opposes Neptune. Tension in a relationship may be pushed to its limit due to us denying what we really want. Get in touch with what you truly desire.

Towards the end of September, we get a little break when Venus connects pleasantly to Neptune. Refocus on creative matters, meditate, or just draw inward. Take this time to pause and reflect because the next day, Venus squares off with Jupiter reminding us that we can’t be totally self-involved; we also need to see the bigger picture with us as just one small part of it. 

Finally, Venus ends its time in Scorpio with a sextile to Pluto on October 2nd, indicating there may be an opportunity to discover a powerful truth in a relationship. Seize a chance to be extremely honest about what you want.

Venus is in adversity in Scorpio since it is a sign ruled by Mars. Relationships can suffer when Venus is here because Mars wants to separate/divide, and Venus wants to join/combine. But if we put in the work and correct effort, we can ultimately have great success because adversity can transform relationships into something stronger. Avoid the temptation to run or hide when things get difficult.

As much as Venus in Scorpio fears giving itself to another, it ultimately craves stability as a fixed sign. Opening up to others is scary, but when we do it in supportive relationships, it feels safer to break down some of our walls and allow more love into our lives.