Mars Enters Libra

Mars enters Libra on Tuesday, September 14th at precisely 7:14 pm CDT and will stay here until October 30th. Mars faces a lot of adversity in Libra as it is a sign ruled by Venus -- Mars and Venus have almost opposite goals. We will be forced to put our more selfish impulses aside while we center our actions around relationships and act with more sensitivity.

Mars is very busy during its time in Libra. Things get started on September 25th when Mars connects pleasantly with Saturn. Group efforts will be rewarded; try to be helpful in a long-lasting way. Next, Mars opposes Chiron on October 1st. Take this time to reflect on where or how resentment may be playing into your relationships. 

A pivotal moment happens around October 7th when Mars meets the Sun in Libra. As the Sun purifies Mars, we will experience renewed confidence in our actions and the energy necessary to move forward. 

Things get tricky when Mars meets a retrograde Mercury on October 9th. There may be a chance to go back and use words to smooth over a situation, but be incredibly thoughtful about what you say. Since Mercury will be retrograde, there is a greater chance we may not come off as we intend.

Matters improve by October 18th when Mars connects pleasantly with Jupiter creating more optimism around what we can accomplish when we work with others. However, the moment is short-lived as Mars squares off with Pluto on the 21st. Around this time, it may seem like our efforts with others were in vain, leaving us feeling uncooperative. This is only a temporary situation; remember to let it pass. 

Even though Mars likes to be selfish, we must be willing to sacrifice for other people for the next two months. And true sacrifice should hurt a little because that’s when you know you have pushed yourself far enough. Easing the suffering of others is one of the most powerful things we can do as humans for each other.