Venus Direct in Capricorn

Venus stations direct in Capricorn on January 29th at exactly 2:46 am CST and will stay in Capricorn until March 5th. I want to emphasize that Venus will still be moving slowly and in its shadow for most of February, so we are still reassessing who we value and who values us. Whatever shifts we are making will be a slow process. For those of us who deal with some impatience, hang in there; nothing will be a quick fix right now. Some things just can’t be rushed. 

During Venus retrogrades, we are often forced to see the underside or unavoidable truths in our relationships. Things begin to fall apart. But this is a part of life; not everything can always be nice in our relationships, things will inevitably get messy. What is up to us is what we do about the mess. Is it worth cleaning up? Or maybe it isn’t. Either way, we need to slowly accept where things are heading and put our energy toward what we see as lasting.

Venus makes three critical connections for the rest of its time in Capricorn. First, it joins Mars on February 15th. This is a crucial moment in a relationship, either strengthening it through an act of commitment or cutting things off. This is also an excellent time to do something practical with our money or make a long-term investment, but only if we’ve thoroughly done our research.

Next, on February 24th, Venus connects with Neptune. After the intensity of the week before, take a step back and check in with your intuition. Pay attention to your feelings and let them guide you for a moment.

Finally, on March 3rd, Venus joins Pluto. This is the final culmination of Venus’ time in Capricorn. Some of us will have reached important conclusions, and others will be faced with inevitable shifts regarding our relationships or finances. 

Right now, the astrology simply demands that we focus on relationships that contain trust, reliability, and commitment. And if you don’t have any relationships that meet that criteria, this is absolutely the moment to really consider why. Let’s move forward with our insights, towards something that works better for us.