Venus Retrograde

Venus Retrograde in Capricorn

Venus will station retrograde in Capricorn on Sunday, December 19th, and continue this motion until January 29th. Our relationships and financial situations will undergo a review and adjustment process that is only just getting started as Venus will stay in Capricorn until March 5th. Themes around stability and commitment will be unavoidable as we prune weak relationships to allow the strong to flourish.

Venus Enters Capricorn

Venus will enter Capricorn on Friday, November 5th, at exactly 5:44, am CDT. Venus will stay in Capricorn for around four months due to a retrograde cycle that will take place from December 19th until January 29th. We need to consider who we can build a future with, and more importantly, who do we want to build a future with? It’s time to get serious and prioritize the people you care about.

Venus Turns Direct

Gemini likes to connect with its immediate environment, so how have your feelings about your community changed? Maybe we don’t value the same things as our neighbors, or maybe we’re starting to appreciate them more than ever. With Mercury still retrograde in Cancer we are really thinking about where we came from, and where we find comfort. Some of us may have decided that where we are living and how we are living isn’t working for us anymore.