Mercury Enters Aquarius

Mercury enters Aquarius on Sunday, January 2nd, at exactly 1:10 am CST. Mercury will stay here for two weeks until it stations retrograde on January 14th but will start to really slow around the 10th. So this upcoming week is important! Use the next seven days to communicate anything you want to come across clearly. Also, deal with any complicated technical matters now if you can. 

If we want a better future for ourselves and others, we have to conceive it first. All intentional action springs from an idea or thought we had, so don’t discount radical or idealistic perspectives you have right now. If you don’t like how something is, just consider changing it. Aquarius is a fixed sign, so it can be very stubborn in its mindset. Use that to your advantage - come up with a better idea and then just refuse to be deterred! Mercury will also be ruled by Saturn while here, so don’t worry; nothing you think of will go entirely out of the realm of possibility, so push yourself to envision big things. 

Mercury only makes one connection before it stations retrograde, a sextile to Chiron on January 9th. This is an excellent day to take advantage of an opportunity to say something insightfully kind or healing. The Moon will also be in Aries, so be brave or take the initiative. 

Use your greater understanding to adjust your mindset, but make sure it also translates into your actions. Let’s make sure we avoid hypocrisy during Mercury’s time in Aquarius. Since we can better see the bigger picture, we may gain more clarity, but if we don’t use that clarity, we live a kind of lie. Because if we know better, we have to do better. Otherwise, we are just deceiving ourselves.