Sun Enters Scorpio

The Sun enters Scorpio on October 23rd at exactly 5:36 am CDT and will stay here until November 22nd. This will be quite a significant change for the Sun, who is leaving cool, detached, and logical Libra and entering the intense waters of Scorpio. The situation gets even more chaotic as the Sun’s ruler in Scorpio, Mars, will be retrograde. This Scorpio season may be turbulent in ways we never expected.

The next four weeks will challenge us to face difficult situations. With the Sun’s ruler in Gemini and retrograde, we may be pulled in many conflicting directions. Those of us without a strong sense of self must be very careful, or we may easily be overwhelmed by tumultuous situations. It will be crucial that we find and rely on something deep and stable inside of ourselves.

The Sun’s first connection is on November 8th, when it joins Mercury and opposes Uranus. This is an uncommonly powerful day as there is also a Lunar Eclipse. Pay special attention to any moments of clarity - you may have an important insight or realization.

Next, on the 10th, the Sun squares off with Saturn. Avoid letting your personal emotions prevent you from taking responsibility or being level-headed. Remember that we all belong to a collective.

The Sun and Neptune share a pleasant connection on the 14th. Set aside time to be present with your feelings. Our intuition will be raised, and we will better access our emotions.

Then on the 18th, the Sun connects with Pluto. Being insightful or resourceful may be the best strategy if we want to achieve a goal.

Finally, on the 20th, the Sun connects pleasantly with Jupiter. Our emotions will get a much-needed boost of optimism and insight. Let your feelings guide you to a better place.

Although we are about to go through a chaotic moment astrologically, that doesn’t mean we have to get completely swept up in it. Feelings are important information, but they can also be temporary so use them as only a part of your decision-making. Let's use this time to understand our own emotional landscape, not be controlled by it.