Saturn Direct in Aquarius

Saturn stations direct in Aquarius on October 22nd at exactly 11:07 pm CDT. Ancient astrologers considered a retrograde planet to be working against its own intentions, and we can see how as a society, we have not been fulfilling the qualities of Saturn in Aquarius these days. Consider all the instances of foolishness and immaturity we’ve experienced, and perhaps perpetuated, over the last four months. Because sometimes responsibility is a burden. And Saturn’s retrograde shows us precisely what happens when we decide that we don’t want to shoulder that anymore.

Saturn in Aquarius keeps trying to teach us that society’s issues won’t be resolved until we are actually ready to do the work. It’s very similar to Pluto’s station in Capricorn - nothing important comes to us easily. Everything that we don’t like, everything that needs changing, that’s on us.

Now that Saturn has stationed direct, we can move forward with clearer goals and a better head on our shoulders. We begin restoring matters to where they belong and taking back control of ourselves and our lives. But as we start to take our authority back, we must also remember that we are just one part of a much larger whole. And we are never making decisions that only affect us, no matter how much we tell ourselves we are.

Let’s not be mistaken, Saturn stationing direct is good news. Because if we apply and dedicate ourselves to the principles of integrity, mindfulness, and wisdom, we can accomplish so much! Saturn is at home in Aquarius; it wants to help us as long as we help ourselves a little. So give what you want a little more effort, act with a little more insight, and you will be rewarded.

Saturn is what allows us to maintain, to continue. It is what gives us longevity and legacy. Every hero in every story had a little Saturn in them. It helped them persevere, pick battles wisely, and consider the repercussions of their actions. I hope we all try harder now to be the heroes of our own stories.