Venus Enters Scorpio

Venus enters Scorpio on October 23rd at exactly 2:52 am CDT and will stay here until November 16th. Venus is unfortunately rather unhappy in Scorpio, and matters will be compounded further by Mars, Venus’s ruler, stationing retrograde. The next three weeks will allow us to assess our relationships once again and perhaps even cut ties with those not meeting our emotional needs.

Venus is uncomfortable in Scorpio because there is a fundamental tension between Venus and Scorpio’s ruler, Mars. Venus wants to combine and mesh, while Mars is more interested in separation and division. They simply have opposite agendas. We must be cautious not to be swayed by conflicting motivations and acting in ways that don’t align with our values.

Venus’s first connection isn’t until November 5th, when it opposes Uranus. We may be tempted to break the rules or do something unexpected in a relationship. Make sure you’re not repeating past mistakes or acting on pure impulse.

Next, Venus squares off with Saturn on November 6th. We may be preoccupied with our emotional fulfillment. Avoid letting your feelings get in the way of being open-minded and thoughtful.

Then on the 9th, Venus connects pleasantly with Neptune. Whereas up until now, we have been careful to avoid letting our emotions overtake us, we finally have a moment to get in touch with our feelings and intuition. Use this moment to gain insight and perhaps forgive others.

Venus connects with Pluto on the 12th. It is possible to become much closer in a relationship if that is our goal. Significant changes or shifts are possible if we act in accordance with our feelings.

Finally, Venus connects pleasantly with Jupiter in Pisces on November 14th. There are lots of opportunities for emotional expansion and growth in our relationships. Use your feelings to get closer to others and increase your connection.

When it comes to our relationships, we must understand what our motivations really are so that our inner world matches our outward actions. Even though this transit won’t be smooth sailing, it will provide us with an incredible opportunity to see where our actions and values don’t align.