Solar Eclipse in Scorpio

There will be a Solar Eclipse and New Moon in Scorpio on October 25th at 5:49 am CDT. Remember that eclipses always happen in pairs, so we are really kicking off a two-week period (often referred to as eclipse season) that tends to throw matters in disarray and spur unexpected events. The corresponding Lunar Eclipse in Taurus is on November 8th, so until then, hold off on starting any important projects or making impetuous decisions.

Eclipses always happen in opposite signs, and we actually had eclipses in Scorpio and Taurus earlier this year in the spring. If you can, go back and consider what was taking place in your life between April 20th and May 16th. Look to the houses that Scorpio and Taurus rule in your chart, and expect those topics to be highlighted over the next two weeks. Those themes are very likely to resurface and make us once again have to work out how we approach these matters.

This Solar Eclipse will happen at 2 degrees of Scorpio, so if you have any placement within 3 degrees of that, you may be more likely to feel the effects of this eclipse. The next eclipse will happen at 16 degrees of Taurus, so if you have placements around that degree, you should also be aware that you may be a target of these eclipses.

Another important note is that Mars, Scorpio’s ruler, will station retrograde in Gemini on October 30th. Expect more chaos and misfortunes than usual as we are tempted to undermine our own actions.

Also, please do not “manifest” or try to align your energy with this eclipse. Eclipse energy is chaotic and unpredictable. It is literally the worst energy; please don’t try to control it or use it in any way. Instead, journal, meditate, relax, or just sleep. Remember, this eclipse is just the start of a cycle.

ARIES RISING: What you have to partner with others to gain versus what you can provide for yourself.

TAURUS RISING: How you navigate your relationships versus your approach to life.

GEMINI RISING: Your daily regimen and health versus isolation and suffering.

CANCER RISING: Your ability to create pleasure and love versus your alliances and friendships.

LEO RISING: Your home, family, and traditions versus your reputation, public life, and career.

VIRGO RISING: How you communicate and interact with siblings and your community versus your worldview and belief system.

LIBRA RISING: What you can provide for yourself versus what you have to partner with others to gain.

SCORPIO RISING: Your approach to life versus how you navigate relationships.

SAGITTARIUS RISING: Isolation and suffering versus your daily regimen and health.

CAPRICORN RISING: Your alliances and friendships versus your ability to create pleasure and love.

AQUARIUS RISING: Your reputation, public life, and career versus your home, family, and traditions.

PISCES RISING: Your worldview and belief system versus how you communicate and interact with siblings and your community.