Jupiter Re-enters Pisces

Jupiter re-enters Pisces on October 28th at exactly 12:10 am CDT and will stay here until December 20th. Although typically Jupiter and Pisces are best friends, they are dealing with a challenging situation as Jupiter is currently in the midst of a retrograde cycle that will last until November 23rd. We may be spending the time until Jupiter is direct re-evaluating how we experience and generate genuine compassion and kindness.

There will be two very distinct phases of Jupiter time in Pisces - the first is from October 28th to November 23rd, when Jupiter is retrograde, and then from November 23rd to December 20th, when it is direct.

While Jupiter is retrograde, it simply can not carry out its natural intentions to expand, grow, and generate our knowledge, reputation, and prosperity. This means maybe we don’t have the big answers to the big questions right now. We are in evaluation mode - what do we believe in, what are we cultivating inside ourselves? Kindness requires awareness. Think of the kindest people you know of, did they seem oblivious to the world? Did they come off as unconcerned or unaware? Probably not. The next four weeks will reveal where we have been ignorant or insensitive.

Of course, the good news is that once Jupiter is direct on November 23rd, Jupiter is much happier and in excellent condition to do what it wants. At that point, we can move forward and truly begin to make progress utilizing what we’ve learned about ourselves. Many of us will now find that our lives will improve greatly the more kind, considerate, and selfless we try to be. 

Jupiter is the most generous planet in our planetary system. If we align ourselves with the principles of Pisces, which are altruism, understanding, serenity, and gentleness, we will get back what we give tenfold. A little adjustment now, may make a world of difference later.