Mercury in Scorpio

Mercury enters Scorpio on October 29th at exactly 2:22 pm CDT and will stay here until November 17th. As with all the planets in Scorpio right now, Mercury’s ruler Mars will be retrograde during its duration in Scorpio. Communication may be difficult for us if we don’t understand our deeper motivations. We also may find our thoughts repeatedly returning to the past as we try to understand the impulses behind our actions.

With Mars stationing retrograde and ruling Mercury, we may find ourselves going over our behavior with more of a critical viewpoint which may cause us some discomfort. It’s not always pleasant to reflect on our past conduct and see where we made mistakes or acted immaturely. But if we want to improve ourselves, we must be perceptive about our behavior; otherwise, we are simply acting mindlessly, without intention or good effort.

Mercury’s first connection is on November 7th, when it opposes Uranus. There will also be a Lunar Eclipse that so anticipate surprising ideas and new perceptions. Try to allow yourself a lot of flexibility.

Next, on the 9th, Mercury squares off with Saturn. Avoid only considering how matters affect you and alienating others.

Then on the 12th, Mercury connects pleasantly with Neptune. Let your mind turn to your feelings and more profound matters. Re-connect with your spirituality or creativity.

Mercury and Pluto connect on the 14th. Asking perceptive questions may be the best strategy if we want to make serious progress on an important goal.

Finally, on the 15th, Mercury and Jupiter pleasantly connect. This is a great time to use our imagination and creative spirit. Be generous and compassionate in perceptive or insightful ways.

Although it may be tempting to use our powers of perception on others, let’s also remember to turn around and use them on ourselves. We must embrace and examine all parts of ourselves, even the parts we avoid. I want us to remember, the more accurate our self-view is, the more genuinely we can move through life.