
Jupiter Enters Gemini

Jupiter enters Gemini on May 25, 2024, and will stay there until June 9, 2025. We have reached a point where we are shifting our focus from pursuing growth through material wealth, comfort, and stability to instead seeking growth through open and effective communication, actively engaging our minds, and striving for a diverse range of experiences.

Jupiter Re-enters Aries

Jupiter re-enters Aries on December 20th at 8:32 am CST and will stay here until May 16th, 2023. We already had a preview of this transit when Jupiter was in Aries from May to October this year. For many of us, the next five months once again allows us to focus on our strengths and abilities. Jupiter in Aries will also push us to be more adventurous and energetic while refusing to let anyone or any circumstance get in our way.

Jupiter Re-enters Pisces

Jupiter re-enters Pisces on October 28th at exactly 12:10 am CDT and will stay here until December 20th. Although typically Jupiter and Pisces are best friends, they are dealing with a challenging situation as Jupiter is currently in the midst of a retrograde cycle that will last until November 23rd. We may be spending the time until Jupiter is direct re-evaluating how we experience and generate genuine compassion and kindness.

Jupiter Enters Aries

Jupiter enters Aries on May 10th, at 6:22 pm CDT, and will stay here until October 28th. This is a significant shift for Jupiter as it leaves its home in Pisces, a sign where it is incredibly comfortable, to the fiery arena of Aries. Jupiter’s time in Aries will be complicated, as it includes a retrograde that begins on July 28th. We only have about three months to take full advantage of this energy. Then we will be forced to retrace our steps and learn any lessons we missed along the way.

Jupiter Re-enters Aquarius

Jupiter re-enters Aquarius on Wednesday, July 28th, as it continues along its retrograde journey. Jupiter will stay in this sign until December 28th, when it will re-enter Pisces. Jupiter will no longer be ruling over itself as it was in Pisces but will have to answer to Saturn now. Saturn is known for being strict and only rewarding genuine effort, so we will have to reconsider how much we are trying and how seriously we are taking matters in our lives.

Jupiter Enters Pisces

Jupiter finally leaves Aquarius and enters Pisces on Thursday, May 13th at exactly 5:36 pm CDT and will stay here until July 28th. Jupiter’s time in Pisces will only be 11 weeks as it has a retrograde cycle coming up on June 20th that will push it back into Aquarius. Jupiter is much happier in Pisces, where its emotional optimism is welcomed, and its search for the deeper meanings behind matters is honored. We should also expect to see artistic and creative projects getting much more attention over the next couple of months as we reprioritize their role in our culture.

The Great Conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn

On Monday, December 21st, Jupiter and Saturn will join each other in the 0 degree of Aquarius, an event that only happens once every 20 years. Jupiter and Saturn haven’t been together in Aquarius since 1405. This also sets off a new 200-year cycle making this Great Conjunction also a Great Mutation. This is a significant shift that we will experience gradually as a society.

Jupiter Enters Aquarius

Jupiter enters Aquarius on Saturday, December 19th at 7:07 am CST. Jupiter will stay here for about a year, with some dips back and forth due to its retrograde starting in June. While Jupiter was in Capricorn it was very concerned with societal structures and the authorities within those structures. Jupiter in Aquarius doesn’t really care about any of that. It wants us to think bigger; it wants us to expand our perception of what’s possible.

Jupiter Retrograde

Today, May 14th, Jupiter turns retrograde for the next four months. This will give us a long chance to re-evaluate our goals and aspirations. We’ve been dealing with a lot of changes in our lives, and this may have shifted what we value and how we approach our goals. Jupiter will spend the entirety of its retrograde in Capricorn, a sign that is primarily concerned with propriety and practicality. This retrograde may bring up issues around how we are growing as people.

Jupiter Enters Capricorn

Jupiter left it’s home sign of Sagittarius and entered Capricorn where it will stay until December 2020. To be honest, Jupiter doesn’t exactly love being in Capricorn. Capricorn loves structure and staying inside the lines, while Jupiter wants to expand and indulge. So while Jupiter is here we can learn how to grow within our limits, have fun without going overboard, and create concrete plans around our goals.