Pluto Direct

Pluto stations direct in Capricorn on October 8th at exactly 4:56 pm CDT. The last four months have been a very retrospective time for us as we examined our deeper motivations and intentions, grappled with how we wield influence, and where we may be giving away our power. I also know many of us discovered how we may be manipulated by others and can now start the process of changing that dynamic.

With Pluto and Saturn’s retrograde cycles overlapping quite a bit, we have been pushed to grow and mature more profoundly than we might be used to. Saturn in Aquarius is forcing us to approach society with greater care and consideration for the long term, while Pluto in Capricorn pushes us to take the profound and deep matters of the world very seriously. Those of us who refuse to embrace these energies will only be forced to grapple with these ideas over and over again.

We simply can not stay in our comfort zones forever and expect that the world is going to magically become a better place. Pluto in Capricorn requires us to put in the work necessary if we want to change or alter the structures that both hold us up and keep us down. There is a lot of work that needs to be done, and it needs to be done by all of us working together.

Many of us got out of situations that were not empowering or where we were being manipulated. We rediscovered the power within us and found that if something or someone is constantly undermining our confidence in a way that feels unfair or unnecessary, it’s probably not a great situation for us to be in. Respecting ourselves means prioritizing people and situations that respect us as well.

Pluto in Capricorn wants us to know that we are more powerful when we recognize and appreciate our individual strengths. And if, as a group, we apply those strengths seriously, with dedication, to the betterment of society, what can we accomplish? The answer is up to us.