Mercury Direct

Mercury ended its retrograde cycle on October 2nd at exactly 4:07 am CDT. We still have one more Mercury retrograde this year, beginning at the end of December when Mercury is in Capricorn. But we got through this one, so let’s focus on that for now. This retrograde felt genuinely eye-opening. We became aware (and for those already aware, became sure) that what isn’t working, especially around relationships, really isn’t working. 

This is not the time to overreact; instead, take things one step at a time. If we had realizations, others did too - and their realizations may affect us, and our’s them. So if your relationship suffered, it’s probably time to have a discussion about it. Ideally, wait until after October 10th when Mercury re-enters Libra. Then our words will be a little more diplomatic, thoughtful, and respectful.

Mercury’s first connection after stationing direct is on October 6th, when it connects pleasantly with Pluto. We are able to see matters extremely realistically or practically around this time. Also, since Pluto will soon station direct itself, consider your progress on your most important goals - what do you finally need to adjust?

Next, on the 11th, Mercury opposes Jupiter. Don’t let being well-mannered stop you from seizing opportunities or taking risks necessary for growth and self-improvement.

Mercury connects pleasantly with Saturn on the 22nd. Use your intellectual abilities to do what benefits everyone and see matters clearly.

Mercury and Mars connect pleasantly on the 26th. Conversations may help us sort out our thoughts. This is also a great time to socialize.

Finally, on the 27th, Mercury squares off with Pluto. Avoid compromising or over-extending yourself to others, especially if it takes you further away from an important goal.

A huge part of life is just learning to see the world as it truly is - and hopefully, we already did that part a little during this retrograde. It is now up to us to decide what we do with this new awareness.