Sun Enters Pisces

On Friday, February 18th, the Sun enters Pisces at exactly 10:43 am CST and will stay here until March 20th. There will be a lot of feelings going on, and I want us to deal with them wisely. As a mutable water sign, the Sun in Pisces is happiest when expressing compassion, adapting to the situation's needs, and going with the flow. If you are someone who is not comfortable with their emotions or embracing your sensitivity, please make sure you have healthy coping strategies.

We miss so much when we are closed off or critical, so we must understand that as we become more receptive, we also become more perceptive. We need to spend the next four weeks opening ourselves up emotionally.  This can sometimes be a scary or intimidating process because we’ve all been hurt before. That hurt can make us protective - but remember, there is a difference between boundaries and walls. Really think about what you are keeping out at the cost of letting something better in.

Sun makes several important connections while in Pisces. First, it connects with Uranus on March 1st. Look for an opportunity to be receptive to a new experience. This is also a chance to adapt to the changing needs of a matter.

Next, on the 4th, the Sun joins Jupiter. Take a leap of faith or be open to something positive happening in your life. However, we may be tempted toward excess, so be reasonable.

On March 12th, the Sun and Neptune meet. This is a great time to be creative or spiritual. We also may be extra intuitive or sensitive. Let go of the need to control; let yourself float.

Finally, on March 18th, the Sun connects with Pluto. Use your insight to make an important decision or choice. Find a way to be kind or generous in a powerful or significant way. 

When we embrace our sensitivity, we see the suffering of others, and it reminds us of our own suffering. And when we see others happy, it reminds us of the happiness inside ourselves. Our sensitivity is not a weakness. It is our greatest strength - it connects us all to each other and, more importantly, to ourselves.