Mars Enters Aquarius

Mars enters Aquarius on March 6th at exactly 12:23 am CST and will stay here until April 14th. Mars will continue to be ruled by Saturn in Aquarius, so we are still operating under a strong Saturnian influence, meaning that our actions will continue to be more controlled, focused, and deliberate. But the move from Capricorn into Aquarius will be a more significant shift than some might be expecting. 

Mars's move into Aquarius will help us see past just putting one foot in front of the other, forcing us to change how we operate in the world. It’s good to follow the rules, the instructions, but at some point, we realize that those things aren’t always right. And sometimes, that’s a greater intelligence. Aquarius is much more comfortable throwing rules out and ignoring guidelines, especially for the sake of the bigger vision. So go ahead and skip steps that aren’t necessary, take a different path, as long as you are ultimately doing what is right.

Mars's first important connection in Aquarius is almost immediately when it joins Venus on Marth 6th. This will feel like a huge energy shift opening up our hearts to greater possibilities with a logical undertone that helps us feel secure in what we envision. 

Next, on March 21st, Mars will connect with Chiron. Find a way to heal emotionally by zooming out and doing what is right for you in the long term.

Mars will square off with Uranus on the 22nd. There may be tension around something that needs adjusting due to stubbornness or an unwillingness to change. Be flexible with your actions while keeping your security and comfort in mind.

April 4th is an important day when Mars joins Saturn. Initiate important long-term projects and focus on what you want from the future and how you can get there.

Finally, on the 8th, Mars connects with Mercury, so find an opportunity to speak up about something important or say what you need to say. 

Push yourself to widen your perspective to the point where it becomes easier and easier to discern what matters and what doesn’t. Put your energy towards what matters to you and let the other stuff fall away.