Mercury Re-enters Aquarius

Mercury will re-enter Aquarius at exactly 3:54 pm CST on Monday, February 14th, and stay here until March 9th. Mentally we are starting to feel a little more on track, and our thoughts and ideas are turning towards lighter, more objective topics. Over the next month, ask questions, explore options, and play with perspective.

If we can remember back to the beginning of January (honestly, good luck, that seems like a lifetime ago), we were a little more optimistic, and things seemed to be heading in the right direction. But then the retrogrades hit, complications were introduced, and we started to question things. Hopefully, we received some answers, and we can return to what we originally wanted to focus on.

Mercury makes three important connections during its time in Aquarius. First, on February 23rd, Mercury connects with Chiron. Look for an opportunity to heal an emotional wound. This may require us to be assertive if we want to navigate the matter successfully. Try to see the situation more intellectually but remain protective of your feelings.

Then the next day, on the 24th, Mercury squares off with Uranus. Around this time, be open to different perspectives, and don’t push away any “out there” ideas. Maybe a radically new approach is exactly what the situation needs. 

Finally, on March 2nd Mercury joins Saturn. This is an excellent time to focus on the future and what you want out of it. Try to see the bigger picture as much as possible - step back,  see all the options, and decide which ones you would like to pursue. 

This is not the time to be conservative or small in your thinking or how you communicate. Keep pushing yourself to zoom out further and further until your perspective changes entirely. We may find that what we assumed isn’t possible is.