Mercury Stations Direct

Mercury stations direct in Capricorn at exactly 10:13 pm CST. This is a process, not a switch! The planet will be slow until February 9th and won’t cover new area until the 24th. So if you’re frustrated, give yourself time to process everything you just went through. 

Things will become clearer around the 11th when Mercury joins Pluto. This is when we may finally get the answers or conclusions we’ve been searching for. At the very least, this retrograde may put some matters to rest as we accept what we know and start working towards closure. 

Mercury’s retrograde process isn’t just about technology and communications; it also rules over our general mental outlook. I’m sure for many of us, our thoughts have turned to heavy or serious matters more often than we would have liked. But these were matters that we needed to review seriously, so I know it wasn’t pleasant, but it was important.

Mentally we will feel less heavy around February 14th when Mercury re-enters Aquarius. This air sign will infuse some lightness into our perspective. We will start to shake off the load we were carrying and see a little bit brighter future.

Rumination is a big part of the Mercury retrograde process, and we should learn to be grateful for it because it can keep us ahead of the game. When we go back, we discover new information or notice new things. It’s like reviewing the tape - you learn from your mistakes and see something you missed before. Going backward can help us go forward, better and wiser.