Sun Enters Aries

The Sun enters Aries on March 20th at exactly 10:33 am CDT and marks the beginning of the astrological new year. We haven’t had a non-Moon planet in a fire sign since the beginning of 2022, so things will begin to pick up energetically as we move through the world with more vitality and force. Aries is ruled by Mars, which is Aquarius now but will move into Pisces on April 14th, so I don’t think we need to be as worried about impulsivity or recklessness this Aries season. Use the next four weeks to tackle what you need to and make some important moves forward. 

The Sun is exalted in Aries, meaning we are more successful when we assert ourselves and let our natural gifts shine through. The Aries Sun does not appreciate hiding behind a rock or letting others make decisions for them. I think we should take a moment to consider where in our own lives we are allowing others to override us and how we can take back some of our power. We will all have a boost of confidence from this Sun, don’t let it go to waste.

The first connection the Sun makes is April 1st when it joins Chiron. We may be made aware of a big unresolved sensitive issue. Deal with the issue head-on, but protect your emotional space.

Next, on April 2nd, it joins Mercury. Tackle any important conversations or be forthright about something you need to express.

Then on April 12th, the Sun connects with Saturn. This is a great opportunity to use your gifts to help others or society. We should also look for a chance to work towards our long-term goals.

Finally, the Sun squares off with Pluto on April 18th. We may resent any attempts to be controlled or reigned in. Make sure you aren’t overdoing it, and try to focus on one thing at a time. 

It is sometimes difficult to know when it is appropriate to be assertive, especially when we are working on practicing loving-kindness. It helps if we also consider the alternative - that it may not be understanding or compassionate to sit back passively. So let’s be a force for good and use our power wisely.